Friday, January 2, 2009


Tonight I made cupcakes and was getting ready to frost them and Allyson came in the kitchen asking if she can help. She pulled out a butter knife and got to work. I had to stop and look at her because this is the first time that I did not have to pull the kitchen chair over for her to stand on and make sure she was ok before I could get started on mine. It dawned on me that she was growing up and was able to reach the kitchen counter just fine without the help of the chair! And just a side note, she frosted 3 cupcakes and then went off to play, she had her fill of frosting them for the night!!


jenney said...

Aw, she's growing up!

I'm totally impressed that she put frosting on the cupcakes. Dylan would've just eaten the frosting out of the can. LOL

**Nancy** said...

they grow up so fast!!! Love the new look of your blog!!!