Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Early Valetine's Day

Valentines Day will be here tomorrow! This is one holiday that a completley step back and let Steve be in charge of! He takes care of Allyson's valentines stuff, and I'm not sure which one loves it more! At like the begeninning of Feb Allyson starts to get excited because she knows Daddy always comes thru with candy and flowers! I feel sorry for whoever she is dating when she gets older, her daddy has her spoiled already! Well she will be getting her present today when she gets home from school, Steve figured it would be hard to hide the flowers till the morning. So this is what is on her bed waiting for her when she gets home from school!

1 comment:

Megan said...

how sweet! I love that he did that! And the paint technique is so cute in her room!