Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ugh! I haven't posted in a while so I'll do a catch up on what's been going on around here!

Ok, I got my placement for my junior internship and for the 1st 7 weeks I will be in in a Kindergarten class!! I'm so excited about this September can't come fast enough! I have contacted the teacher that I will be working with and she seems really nice, so I can't wait to meet her. She also invited me to come and help out with Meet the Teacher Night before school starts so that is very neat too!

We got a new pet! I'm not quite sure what made us do it, but I was wanting something new and small again so I talked Steve into letting us get a kitten! We named him Lucky and him and our dog are finally getting along VERY good! It was kinda of funny because our big 60 pound dog did not seem to care it was the kitten that had to get use to the dog! Actually this little kitten had the dog running to the room cause he was scared. Now they play together just fine, and Lucky things it's the best thing to play with Buddy's tail!
Isn't he cute!!!

Oh, Allyson finally lost her 1st tooth! She lost it at camp and was completely thrilled that she now "fits" in with all of her friends with having a missing tooth! I would show you a picture, however I guess I don't have one on the computer, I know I took on of it with my phone but I guess not with the real camera!

Alright if you made it this far, WOW!!! I hope everyone is having a safe summer and fun with the family!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the kitty is soooooooo cute!!!!