1. I love reading message boards, even if I don't always participate in them.
2. I enjoying only having on child, even when some people look at me funny for not wanting more.
3. I will be graduating college in 10 months with my BS degree in elementary education.
4. I love my dark brown hair.
5. I don't like watching scary movies or tv shows.
6. Right now we have 1 dog, 1 cat and like 6 fish.
7. I'm so happy that Allyson ended up with my dark completion and not so fair like her daddy.
8. I miss spending my weekends out on the lake hanging out in a boat all day.
9. I try very hard to be creative but it doesn't always work out for me.
10. I love my coffee...even at 9:00 at night some days.
11. I constantly stress over money.
12. I'm scared to death that I won't make a good teacher when I get my own class.
13. My favorite color is purple.
14. My husband is my best friend, we tell each other everything.
15. As I'm getting older my hair is getting curly. Thanks Dad!
16. I really would like to loose some weight.
17. I hate to exercise.
18. I don't have too many friends, but the ones I have are close ones.
19. Can't stand to touch a mattress with no sheets on it.
20. Do not watch the news while Steve is working at night, refer to #5.
21. Least favorite chore to do is laundry! If I ever won the lottery I would hire someone to do my laundry!
22. Steve has picked up the slack so much since I've been going back to school!
23. I hate to spend money on myself!
24. Sometimes regret spelling Allyson's name with a "y", I can never find anything with her name spelled correctly on it.
25. I am not a pack rat!
26. I can only drink coffee or hot tea out of coffee cups, all other beverages needs to be in a glass cup.
27. I love to hear gossip.
28. I'm a tv addict...gotta have it.
29. I'm not coordinated at all when it comes to sports!
30. I hate conforntations...I avoid them at all cost.
31. 99% of the time I order water with lemon when we go to restaurants so that I can save the extra $2.00.
32. I put Sweet n Low in my water with lemon to have gheto-aid!
33. Love breakfast food!
34. Never have tried any kind of drugs and I'm very proud of that.
35. When I want Steve to do something for me I always tell him to "amuse me" and it usually works!
36. I still only live about 20 mins away from where I was born.
37. I'm very shy until you get to know me, then I will talk your ear off.
38. I danced for 12 years when I was a kid.
39. I love the fact that Allyson loves to play sports!
40. In 8 days I will be 29.
41. I've had to start to dye my hair to hide the grey's that are showing thru.
42. I have a bad habit of throwing things away.
43. I text a lot!
44. I check my email constantly throughout the day.
45. Love being a mom!
46. Try to be the best wife I can be all the time!
47. Favorite season is fall.
48. I take down my Christmas decorations the day after Christmas. I'm tired of looking at them!
49. I love the smell of a fresh clean house and it smelling like Pine-Sol.
50. Terrified that I won't be able to find a teaching job next year.
51. I'm pretty ditsy at times.
52. I don't get most jokes so I just laugh so everyone thinks I get them, but honestly they go over my head.
53. I'm not a very good cook, but I do like to try different recipes.
54. I have the hardest time telling people no.
55. I love to go shopping and yet not buy anything.
56. Love it when Steve cooks Kobe style at home...yum-yum!
57. I watch a ton of Food Network!
58. Favorite movies are the kind that make you stop and think.
59. Love to go to musicals and plays.
60. I will no longer be working in about 4 weeks to start my internships and finish up with school.
61. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
62. My favorite store to shop is Kohls.
63. I'm not a very good gift buyer.
64. I love to get massages.
65. Lakes and oceans at night with the moon hitting the water is very soothing and romantic.
66.I still remember the "white ghost" on vacations with my parents.
67. I use to have an imaginary friend and her name was Ruby.
68. I think I'm a pretty good mother.
69. I have very oily skin!
70. I don't where a whole lot of makeup.
71 New addiction is selling stuff on Ebay, it's so much fun.
72. Love to IM people on the computer.
73. I don't wear a lot of jewelry, my wedding ring, and a necklace and that's about it.
74. I hold a lot of my feelings back, so you really don't know how I feel.
75. Love getting pedicures.
76. I have wide feet, which makes it hard to find shoes.
77. My last 7 classes at school I've made all A's.
78. I worry about Allyson's future all the time.
79. When I go back for my Masters I think I want to get it in Reading.
80. If you look under my bed you will see cases of children's books for my future classroom.
81. Bad manner's annoys me..it's not too had to say please and thank you.
82. I record General Hospital everyday and watch it at night.
83. Biggest pet peeve is smacking your mouth when you eat! I can't stand that sound!
84. I can't go to sleep in bed with the tv on.
85. I love to take naps on the weekends.
86. Steve calls my feet Fred Flintstone feet, cause of my short stubby toes and the width of them.

87. I'm not computer savy at all!
88. I get very anal about the small things.
89. When I go rearrange things in my house I must move them to the spot to see if I will like it there. Not so good at picturing how things will look.
90. Very indicisies.
91. Do not like change!
92. Stressing over not having a job. I have worked ever since I turned 16.
93. I sometimes fear that I'm no being the best mother I can be.
94. I love getting free samples in mail.95. We go out to eat WAY more than we should
96. I look forward to some weekend and having a PJ day! Allyson loves them more than I do I think.
97. Some days I wish it would rain, esp. on the weekends.
98. I'm a homebody.
99. I get to do part of my internship in a kindergarten classroom.
100. Love getting stuff in the mail.
101. Truly love being a wife and a mom!
All right if you made it this far go do this on your blog and link it back to here!
Thanks for sharing your list!
Okay I did it.. I made a blog too!! So you better go check it out and leave comments once in a while!!
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