Monday, April 21, 2008

I made it!

Yup, I made it through tax season, and school! For those that do not know, you probably could have guessed by now, that I work for an accountant so as you can guess I'm extremly busy at work until April 15! But it is now all over with and I can breathe again! School will be over on Wednesday of this week so thats almost done too! I have my finals this week and then I have 2 whole weeks off!

I have to work this week and then I get to take a week off from work too! I'm so excited about having some time off it's not even funny! I think I will be catching up on some movies that have come out that I want to see. Other than that I have no plans for my week!!


Amy Hummel said...

I couldn't even imagine doing tax season and preparing for finals at the same time! You're superwoman!

**Nancy** said...

Yeah, Amy!!! I so know how you feel!!! It actually felt so weird the first couple of days after the 15th not being so busy...but so good!! Hope you enjoy your week off!!!

Jaime Lynne said...

Congrats on surviving the busy tax season! I'm impressed!