Friday, December 28, 2007
Allyson's wisdom
Her: Mom please don't torture me!
Me: What?
Her: Let me tell you what I'm talking about.
Me: OK
Her: Well the way you would torture me is like please don't stick scissors in my ears, that would be the worst torture.
Me: Have I ever stuck scissors in your ears? Or has anyone else stuck scissors in your ears?
Her: Well no, but that would be torture. I'm such a dork, Mom!
I swear I don't know where she comes up with these things, and I promise I have never stuck scissors in her ears for any type of torture or punishment! lol
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone reading this is having a wonderful Christmas with their families and that Santa was good to you!
Friday, December 21, 2007
New Car
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Well I had to go back to work this week after having two weeks off! It has been so hard to get back in the swing of things, I really enjoyed staying home and in my pj's until I was ready to get dressed! All this week Allyson has had to run to the bus stop when we hear the bus because we just can't seem to be on time this week! Oh well two more days and then she's she's on winter break!
I can't believe Christmas is just 5 days away! I just need to pick up one thing for my dad and then shopping is done. All presents are wrapped except for Allysons. This is a huge accomplishment for me, I'm usually the one wrapping the presents 20 mins before we are leaving. I still need to figure out what I'm making for Christmas dinner, the only thing I know for sure we are having is a fried turkey. So I guess I better start thinking about that.
Well sorry for the long ramble about nothing!
Friday, December 14, 2007
My Grades
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Second Try!
Well this week I finished up with school for a few weeks and I'm off from work and realized I have a LOT of time on my hands. I think today I will tackle some cleaning that I've been putting off.
Here are some pictures of our Christmas tree, this is the 1st year in the 8 years Steve and I have been together that we have a fake tree! It was very nice not to have to untangle and hang all those lights, however I do miss the smell of the real thing though!
I think our tree came out really pretty this year, we usually do all kinds of different ornaments but this year we went with red and gold and its so pretty!
I also took some pictures of Allyson for our Christmas cards and I think they came out really cute!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Some pictures

I can't believe that it is Friday all ready! This week went by very fast for me. We have a very early morning tomorrow for little league, but after this week, their is only one more week! I have enjoyed going to the ball fields on Saturday to watch the games. I do believe that Allyson is going to be my little athletic girl after all. She most definitely got that from her Daddy and not me! Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most un athletic person ever!
I got to have Mothers Day a few days early! I got home from work last night and she was so excited that she insisted on giving me my presents early. At school she made me the cutest flower plot that she drew on, with a picture of her on the flower and a cute card. She also got me a gift certificate to go get a pedicure done, so that is what I am doing tonight! My feet are so bad right now I am almost embarrassed to have the girl do it! I asked Allyson if this means I get more presents on Sunday and she told me no, but she will take me out to lunch! So that works for me.
Well I finally got the pictures of Devin's First Communion on the computer and hopefully it work with sharing them on here. If not I will have to ask Steve to show me how, I am computer challenged at times too! We are letting Allyson's bangs grow out and you can tell in the pictures that she looks so much older!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Busy Weekend!
We had a very nice and busy weekend! Saturday Allyson was invited to a birthday party and she had a blast. They had a bounce house that all the kids loved playing in, got their face painted, ate pizza and played with all of her friends from school! Then we went home and went down to the pool for her to show off her swimming skills to me. She had swim lessons all last week in school and has gotten really good! By the end of the summer she will be a master at it. Sunday Steve had the day off so we got to spend the whole together! We went to the mall to window shop, had a good lunch at Long Horn, and went to Home Depot for some stuff for the yard. Allyson has been wanting to plant some flowers so we bought some and went home and planted them. I will post pictures later.